Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I finally organized the last room at home and am able to create my so called Studio. I couldn’t be happier, because every time I entered home, all that I thought was “I hate this messy room. I hate this apartment is not organized”. And yesterday I finally did the first and more important part of this process of organization.

Now I can start to think about the details. One thing that makes all the difference for me is light for the workspace, especially for my desk.

So, I’m doing a research and find lots of lovely ones.


Finalmente, consegui organizar o que faltava da casa. Ajeitei o último quarto onde pretendo montar meu “estúdio”, que nada mais é que um espaço para todas as minhas bagunças (tecidos, linhas, agulhas, lápis, livros, violão, violino, etc). Ter conseguido fazer isso me deu um alívio. Odiava aquela sensação de ter um cômodo bagunçado, que eu deveria esconder.

Agora posso começar a pensar nos detalhes, na reforma, decoração... E uma coisa que acho que faz toda a diferença é iluminação. Principalmente para mesa.

Foi pesquisando luminárias que acabei fazendo uma seleção:

1- This makes me feel comfortable.
Essa me faz sentir confortável.

2- This is so modern!
Essa é moderninha!

3- Practical

4- Beautiful!

5- Colourful

6- Texturized

7- Fancy, fancy, fancy!

8- Creative and it works!
Criativo e funciona bem!

9- Romantic

10- Vintage

Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

So... What is your favorite?

Friday, August 27, 2010

I was so excited about taking a “ten days vacation” with my husband to celebrate our first anniversary. I had all planned. We would go to the South of the country, take long walks, eat lots of chocolate and spend a long time together. I want it to be as good as our honeymoon (that was magical).





In a way totally unexpected, my boss told me I won’t be able to take some days off in September because he wants me to develop an especial investment project. If I have the right to take vacations? The answer is positive. It has a year since I traveled. And, as far as I know, I’m not slave. So, I should rebel myself and I speak openly I have no condition to continue working this way and I deserve to rest (as he did)! But, I don’t have such courage. I’m pretty much a chicken when we’re talk about me, my work and boss.

The best I can do is try to find a palliative solution. Maybe a small travel to the countryside. I hole weekend with my cell phone off and no business conversation at all. I’m avoiding complaining and thinking about the paradise of work to myself.

Another technique I created to deal with frustration is to give me something to compensate. Yes, it is not a good one, but works a little. So I’m looking for a way to do something different for this anniversary. The first idea won’t do, but I can pop out with a good surprise, right?

Oh… And guess what? I played my first song yesterday. It was “Linger”, Cranberries. =) I’ll try to make a video of this someday!

See you all!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Awesome news!


I’m asking my husband to be my partner in a new Project (the store Project), and he was denying because he’s not the kind of person who likes to take risks. I respect him, but I really believe we are able to create a very unique market for interesting pieces of design. And I insisted in this idea for so long now he finally accepted!

I’m glad to have a person that I really trust to watch my back and share this dream with me. For now, is just a cyber project with no huge expectations but, if things go as well as I have faith they will, sooner we will get our own store.

I’m so excited with all this new stuff going on! I’m like this. I need life to be intriguing, challenging. I need to build things with my hands, to learn new informations, to test myself with no fear to fail. I know there is no correct answer, no perfect way to live your life or a recipe to be happy, and that’s why I can’t live in a different way then experimenting and taking chances.

This time, all I want is succeed. Maybe I really want to prove something (I’ll not lie). But most of time,  I decide about my life based on the fact I don’t want to spend the rest of my life envy the ones who did. I want to reveal who I’m in a very specific and authentic way and develop these projects is the path I found to be myself.

I hope, one day, when I get back to this post, I could feel as I complete my goals.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I’m thinking a lot about decoration these last days. I want very much to change the appearance of my apartment. I don’t know why exactly we made all the spaces so dark. The apartment is all black and red (few things red) and I don’t feel happy when I see the way things are disposed.  

I guess I let my husband do lot of choices and he loves the fact the house is sober this way, but I feel like we need to cheer up a little. I want colors, flowers, beautiful and fun stuff all over the place. At the same time, I want him to feel as comfortable as he is today, at home.

I’m planning about redecorate some places, not all. And yes, I do realize is too soon for me to have all this idea. We have less then a month for all first anniversary and it is not common to change furniture new like ours. But try to understand me, I need the apartment to feel like home!

The true is, we tried, in this first moment, to decorate the house with the gifts we received from ours beloved parents, family and friends but, well, I hate all those crystal things. The couch isn’t comfy and is big for the tv room.

I’ll keep looking for the perfect colors and ideas. I hope to get there, for real this time!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Good week!

This night I had a dream about disturbing things happening with me, but I don’t remember what kind of thing. Maybe it’s only Monday happening! I’m not complaining on the first day of work. Gosh no! The true is that is very cold here, in my town and I got a cold. So I’ll give a smile and two kisses in my boss if he let me stay at home today, but he didn’t go for this offer.

My husband and I had a good talk about how I need a creative space at home. I love our apartment but, sometimes it doesn’t seem like home to me. I miss my stuff to accessible and reachable. We have a room there is not in use, so I’m thinking about transform it in a little studio. In fact, this is not a new idea, but I hope now it gets form.

The good news is that we finally did our marriage book. It’ll be delivered in 60 days, but we are glad we did it before our first anniversary. We still have to decide the musics for the video. Let’s say one month more to do it! 

Good monday!


Monday, August 16, 2010

I have two friends who are looking for the perfect match, so my husband and I decided to do a lunch to introduce one to each other. Well, to be sincere, we bought Japanese food, but it was very nice any way. We chatted a lot and I realized how good is to have friends and how better is to have a husband like mine.

He’s gentle, careful, tender, funny and all those things that can make anyone fall in love. He reminds me life is good! We need to stop worrying about everything as we could find the answer for all questions. We need to believe that God is taking care of us all the time (especially in the bad ones).

So… About my list… I’m doing good, my girls! I think I’ll be able to get there! I hope to feel better with myself when I complete this list! I’m so confident that I can see a new one coming!

I wish you’re all good an full of  hope too.

See you around! 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

To inspire

"I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration, I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humainized or de-humanized. If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming." 
- Johann Wolfgang von Goeth

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Work again!

In some developed countries, like USA or England, the manager discovered they should care about work and productivity, not time. Here in Brazil, this kind of theory has long way to go, until it really gets some popularity and starts to be apply.

That’s way I spend so many useless hours in my office. That’s the reason most of my pairs, who work with financial market want to stop by their 30s. I’m only 24 and some days I just know I could be happier staying more time at home or doing creative jobs.

I’m journalist and a writer! Deep in my heart I feel I need to express myself and exchange ideas with all kinds of people as a good way to develop myself and do something that matters for society.

Think about it… Think about my life with me! I’m a tattoed girl who has to be disguised all day long. I need to watch my language and pretend to be someone I’m not. But I have two things going on in my mind. One: I have been doing this for ten years now. I don’t know if I can find another way to make money. Two: It’s my family business. How could I abandon my mom and dad? My sisters?

Be happy and ethical is difficult. I really don’t remember when I feel satisfied and, most of the days, it seems it’s definitely not gonna happen.

This post it is not about complaining. I have tons of good things in my life and it is not like I’m depressed. It is just that sometimes we need to think about our life and try to find a way to feel good about it. Life is too short to be wasted.

Well, if some of you felt something like this, let me know!

And thanks for reading!

Monday, August 02, 2010

As listas

Então, dizem que nossa língua materna é a que melhor representa nossos sentimentos e cá estou, sentindo alguma coisa. Não que isso seja uma verdade irremediável. Um amigo meu disse que se sentia unfulfilling hoje, e que não conseguia sequer imaginar uma outra palavra em português que traduzisse isso aí.

Eu, que quase fui escritora, se não fosse a percepção de que meu silêncio é imensamente melhor do que mil das minhas palavras, percebi que unfulfilling poderia ser vazio, não preenchido, incompleto ou simplesmente uma solidão desoladora da falta que uma mão sobre a sua faz sentir.

Eu faço listas. Gosto delas. São uma brincadeira psicológica sobre ser feliz, fazer coisas que você não faz porque não dá a devida importância. Minhas listas são sobre não trabalhar. Sobre recuperar aquilo que intrinsecamente me pertenceu em outras épocas, mas me esvaiu como se esvai a mocidade.

Minhas listas são sobre o amor. Sem a culpa de ser piegas. Sem negar um sorriso para quem precisar. São listas de ingenuidade pura, prestes a se tornar madura, daquilo que não foi porque eu não quis deixar.

E organizam, sim! Fazem a vida que não é, vir a ser exatamente como eu quis, sonhei planejei. Faz com que eu me lembre sempre que ser saudável é uma liberdade imensa, que meus pais são maravilhosos, que comer é um bom remédio, que minhas irmãs vão aprender e meus amigos vão precisar. As listas me dizem que casar foi a melhor coisa que eu escolhi fazer.

São minhas listas, é um pedaço de vida. Pedaços que, juntos, são totalmente fulfilling, próprios de quem sabe viver.