Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just Hi and my last updates in this blog!

Hi there!

I’m thinking about getting a new tattoo! I just did it, but I’m still with this feeling of get something beautiful in me!
There are some days since a decided to do a list of my goals until I get 25 years old. I found it here and felt in love with the idea. So here and in my new navbar is the result of this fun inspiration!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It’s Worldcup! For most of you, my non brazilian readers, this is not a big deal, but here in Brazil is really something. You know, we are all carnival, football and caipirinha! Just kidding… We do more then this and we have some Nobel prizes too.

Well, the fact is yesterday we had our first game: Brazil x North Korea. Brazil sucked. It was not an exciting game. North Korea made one goal. Nobody was expecting that. They have no tradition in Worldcups and we thought Brazil was going to totally dominate the game. The score ended 2x1 to Brazil.

But, the truth is I was impressed how the country stopped. Is not something new for me, but this is the first time I took a time to think how our economy suffers with this attitude.  Our governors totally support this little break.

For me, it was a good thing not because I love football (I really don’t), but I could sleep a little. Today, I started with some vitamins my sister and friend recommended. They told me this is insanely good for all this prostration I’m feeling lately. I hope it works, but I know I need to go back to my work outs and eat better (as I told you a hundred times).

Speaking about change habits at home, I want to create a home office for me, because I use the one that was created for my husband and it seems very not comfortable to me. So I’m in love with this table:

Do you think it is too colorful?

Have a relaxing night! =)

Friday, June 11, 2010


It’s Friday again and I’m very happy this weekend it’s kind of ours Valentine’s Day. My husband created a tradition to go in italian restaurant very romantic. It seems a very small peace of San Marco square. The interesting thing is that we never go to this place during the role year. We even remember it exists, but when the June 12 it’s getting closer he always does a reservation.

We’ve been working hard and, most of this last two weeks, we were ill. Both of us with stomach problems, but different ones. We realized yesterday that it must be cause by the non healthy food we ate. Since we got marriage, all our dinners is fast food, delivery food or super caloric dishes. The better we eat is japanese food.

I’m always reading blogs about healthy food and I want to do it so bad, you know?! But I’m never in the mood of cooking because I always get home so tired and we never have anything in our fridge! But I also know it’s time to change, because we’re really suffering with the pain and discomfort of those sicknesses.

The very good news is that I have a new project and I’m very excited! Is the first time in this last two years I feel really doing something that makes me happy! I’ll tell when it takes shape!

I wish you all a good weekend! I hope to share some photos this next days!



Ei todo mundo!

Já é sexta-feira de novo, ainda bem! E esse final de semana ainda tem Dia dos Namorados! Adoro! Meu marido sempre prepara alguma coisinha e, tradicionalmente, vamos a um restaurante italiano que ele descobriu há algum tempo. O mais engraçado é que nunca lembramos desse lugar, a não ser no dia dos namorados. Acho importante mantermos essas pequenas manias de antes de casar. Vale a pena continuar o que é bom!

Nós temos trabalhado muito, para variar e, na maior parte destas últimas semanas, nós estávamos meio doentes. Os dois com alguma coisa no estômago, mas sintomas diferentes. Achamos uma grande coincidência e percebemos que, desde que casamos, nós praticamente não comemos nada que preste. Principalmente de noite. Só fast food, delivery e coisas super calóricas. O melhor que pedimos em casa é comida japonesa.

Sempre leio sobre alimentação saudável e acho a coisa mais bacana quando as pessoas conseguem comer comida orgânica e se alimentar corretamente, na hora certa e tudo mais. Acontece que quando chego em casa, não consigo juntar forças para cozinhar nada. De toda forma, a hora de mudar é agora, visto que se não o fizermos, daí a pouco, nosso estômago não vai aguentar. =(

A minha grande novidade é que estou envolvida num projeto novo que tem feito meus dias! Há bastante tempo não me sentia tão empolgada assim! Mas quero comentar mesmo quando ele estiver tomando forma... Por enquanto é segredo!

Bom fim de semana!


Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Hi everybody!

I stopped by to say hello and tell you about something that happened to me this last days. I’ve been feeling really sick lately. I’m with a terrible stomachache. It’s like everything inside me is burning and it never ends. The truth is that this sickness appeared all of a sudden and is getting worse which day.

Yesterday I took some tests like endoscopy and biopsies. Although I know nothing about medicine, the result doesn’t sound like: “Go ahead! You are great!”, but I’m choosing not to worry until I have the diagnoses.

Well, what I really wanna say, and I don’t want you to think I’m slushy, is that we really need to remember to take care of ourselves, our health, sleep well, do exercises in a responsible way. I don’t believe my tests will reveal something negative, but this little thing I’ve been trough reminds me we need to do some effort to be happy, because we may not have as many opportunities as we think we do.

Tomorrow is a holiday here in Brazil, and I’ll use it to rest a little bit. I can’t eat fat food nor drink alcohol, soda and acid beverages, but I can enjoy the cold having some tea and playing with my amazing dogs. I hope you all have a great week and weekend.

With love,


Via WeHeartIt


Olá! Bom dia todo mundo!

Então, passei aqui rapidinho para comentar algo que me aconteceu esses dias.
Tenho me sentido doente há alguns dias. Uma dor no estômago que parece nunca passar. Como uma queimação, gastrite ou algo do tipo. Fato é que a crise veio de repente, coisa de um mês para cá e essa dor veio se tornando insuportável.

Ontem fiz alguns exames como endoscopia e biopsia do estômago. Apesar de eu não ter a menor noção de medicina, os resultados não me pareceram: “você está ótima, pode relaxar!”, mas estou escolhendo não me preocupar com isso agora.

De tora forma, o que queria mesmo dizer é que é muito importante nos lembrarmos de cuidarmos de nós e de nossa saúde. Precisamos nos acostumar a comer melhor, dormir o suficiente, fazer exercícios físicos de forma responsável. Não acredito que meus exames venham a revelar algo grave, mas sei que eles me lembram que precisamos fazer um esforço para sermos felizes, porque pode ser que não tenhamos tantas oportunidades quanto imaginamos.

Enfim, é feriado aqui no Brasil amanhã e eu devo aproveitá-lo para descansar. Nada de comer gordura ou beber coisas com álcool, gás ou ácidas, mas dá pra aproveitar o frio tomando chá e brincando com os cachorrinhos, certo? Espero que vocês, que também vão folgar, aproveitem bastante!

Grande beijo...
