Monday, January 21, 2013

Love, love, love


I love this quote from Epicurus. Sometimes we forget to celebrate what we have because we are focused on what we don't have.

Love Gala Darling and totally inspired by her, I decided to make weekly lists of gratitude. Here in MN it will be on every Monday, but if you want to keep tracking of Gala's lists, she publishes it every Thursday!

This weekend I got a new tattoo, with a tinge of inspiration from Banksy. Hooray to the revolution of street art! ♥ I spent the morning with my friend Andressa, seeing pretty things at the local stores and talking a lot ♥ My husband and I got to meet a friend from out of town ♥ I whatched the MMA with my hubby's friends and the night was very good for the Brazilians. ♥ I had ice cream with all toppings as possible ♥ I visited my parents still had time to stay at home with the rain falling and watching an english  series of Sherlock Holmes.

Have a good week you guys!!