Monday, April 25, 2011



I know some Mondays really get to us, so I’d like to share a top five pretty links make me happy today. I hope you enjoy.

-          This beautiful photo gallery. I love the pictures and GIFs so much! It's a tip from my husband (thanks, sweetie!).

-          This blog with great tutorials for whom wants to learn how to knit!

-          This lovely Madame Sher’s Corset. I want it so hard and her site explains everything about measures and all you need to know to find your perfect piece!

-          This Flickr page, called Multifaced. This girl is just gorgeous and intriguing!

-          Gala Darling is doing a promotion on her blog. Podcasts half price! Go check it!

I wish you all a good week!

Monday, April 11, 2011



From 04/26 onwards, I’ll be doing some dynamics with couples. We’ll have lots of different activities, and one of them is based in a series of articles I’ll present to them and publish here. The idea is to bring back the romance from the beginning, that great feeling from the first dates. I hope you enjoy it! I’m putting all my heart in this work.

Another thing is that I’m sick this last days. My head e throat hurt so much… And I feel a little febrile too. All I want is to be at my bed, but I’m working normally and just waiting to be better.

Well, is this! I wish y’all a great week!

Photo Source: [Túlio - La Foto]

Wednesday, April 06, 2011




I'm happy I can use Instagram!