Friday, July 09, 2010

Early mornings are getting more and more difficult to me. I don’t know if I still sleepy or if it is my body missing some coffee. The true is that in the first couple of hours of the day I do not feel like doing anything.
What do I do with this time? I blog! (:

I am totally into the 50’s lately.

I’m in love with the hairdo

The makeup

The polka dots clothes



All images from

xOx - B.

Thursday, July 08, 2010


Mom's birthday

Hi everybody!

I finally got back to my workouts. Now, this plus some nights not sleeping good because hubby was sick is equal to a very, very tired girl!
The new teacher is good and I feel pain all over my body, which reminds I shouldn’t have been so sedentary for the last six months… But, well, I’m trying to correct this (item #1).

This weekend was my mother b’day. Her party was perfect and very fun. I think my parents really got into the mood, and did all they wanted for that night. Of course people made me give a speech. I’m awful improvising!

I was really in love with some shoes of Carmen Steffens. So I went to the shop decided to spend some money with myself with no guilt. I bought, but it was so beautiful and perfect that I gave it to my mom for birthday gift. She loved it! (:

Yesterday I had my 5th acoustic guitar class. I think it’s more difficult then violin. The positions of right hand are chaos! I know that everything is possible when we dedicate and practice, but, man, it’s hard… I’m trying some reggae rhythms and, maybe, is this. I know nothing about reggae and I’m not sure if I really enjoy this kind of music, so I’m not familiar with the way it sounds. Even though, I’ll give it a try! (item #2).

Now, I need to get back to work.

XoX – B.

Thursday, July 01, 2010


New life!

Hi everybody!

My eyes are really red today. And I sleep well these last two nights but I’m feeling tired. Maybe is the work, maybe it’s because I did a vote and I’m not eating in the morning (and not having coffee). But I’m feeling very good doing it. It’s an interesting habit of Christians (or Protestants) that I like to keep once in a wile.

So life keeps going faster and faster. I had lots of things done these days. Many of this was encouraged by my list! I think you all should try to have your goals written, it has a magical effect.

-         I got personal trainer lessons. I’ll star next week. I’ll be trained by a new girl and I’m very excited with the change. (item #1)
-         I bought new furniture for our kitchen. I just can’t wait to have it there and organize my things! (items #5 and #13)
-         I scheduled an appointment with a dermatologist and I’ll change my hair color (item #9).
-         I called a friend to help find the perfect place to our store (item #4)!
-         I did my column on Ponto Con Magazine.
-         I solved a thousand problems over here.

I also had some bad behavior about the list too! I escaped my guitar classes yesterday. I couldn’t go because I was so tired and moody. I’m feeling a little regret today, but I really needed to rest a little. My eyes were closing by themselves!

I’m with new consuming desires.

I want new shoes:

Everything Keyko Lynn does!

Please, check her store!

Good day!